De Stress Diet

flexible six-week plan for feeling calmer, slimmer and full of energy.

Too much stress over too long a period not only depletes your body of nutrients, leaving it exhausted, it also alters your body's biochemistry, making it more likely to crave and overeat junk food and store weight.

The De-Stress Diet uses healthy, nutritious food to flip this system in your favour, so you have fewer cravings and produce a steady stream of feel-good chemicals naturally. As a bonus, you can lose weight and see your mood, skin and muscle tone improve.

Get the full De-Stress Diet recipes here.

How food and stress are related

High-sugar, low-soluble-fibre carbohydrates such as junk foods and refined grains heighten the energy and mood highs and lows caused by stress hormones.
Too many carbohydrates from grains, beans, potatoes and refined sugars, and too few from vegetables, fruit and nuts, can lead to inflammation and a heightened insulin response, which adds to the fat storage caused by raised stress hormones.
A stressed brain is in dire need of continual sugar as fuel, as well as salt and processed fats. These foods initially make us feel better, but then lead to a mood drop, as well as more cravings and long-term weight gain.
Diet principles

Eat like our ancestors You will move towards a natural diet low in sugar and refined carbs and high in healthy fats, quality proteins, vegetables and fruit.

Six weeks, two phases In Phase 1 (weeks 1-3) you will move away from the habits that are keeping you in fat-storing cycles. Be prepared for sugar-withdrawal effects such as headaches, irritability or energy slumps.

In Phase 2 (weeks 4-6) you will notice your appetite is more regular. This phase is about setting the scene for true change.You also have the option to introduce certain foods as well as a few treats.

Use your intuition In the De-Stress Diet there are no prescriptive or measured meals, and no calorie counting. While this may be confronting at first, you will ultimately become more in touch with what true hunger feels like.

Don't skip meals Skipping meals can raise your bodyís insulin response and therefore lead to fat storage and weight gain, especially around the middle.

Reduce snacking By limiting snacks between meals, you are giving your pancreas a break from constantly producing insulin and digestive enzymes. However, healthy snacking is always better than giving into cravings.

Recommended foods

Protein with each meal Go for grass-fed meat, fish, eggs, nuts, whole-fat dairy or fully cooked legumes.

Low-starch vegetables Have as many of these as possible in your three main meals. These include spinach, watercress, radicchio, broccoli, cabbage, kale, pak choi, brussels sprouts, garlic, onion, seaweed, carrots, radishes and beetroot. However, nightshade vegetables (eggplants, tomatoes and capsicums) are inflammatory and should be eaten in?moderation. Eat a mix of cooked and raw vegetables.

Healthy fats Omega oils or polyunsaturated fats should make up the main part of your fat intake, especially omega-3 oils from oily fish and eggs and meat from grass-fed, free-range animals. Monounsaturated fatty acids from avocados, almonds, olives and olive oil, nuts and seeds should be included, too.

Fresh fruit Have two to three pieces a day.

Adequate liquid Have non-sugary, non-caffeinated drinks such as water or herbal tea between meals, as thirst dictates. Avoid fruit juice.

Foods to limit

For some people, high-starch foods, such as grains, cereals, beans and root vegetables, can cause bloating, tiredness and indigestion as well as weight gain. For others, avoiding these foods leaves them feeling listless and irritable.

Grains and cereals It is recommended you remove grains and cereals (wheat, rye, oats, barley, bran, quinoa, rice, corn and all flours) from your diet and see how you react. Your body may work better, or you may need one to two serves a day. Best choices are sourdough rye bread, soaked oats, basmati brown rice, quinoa, millet and buckwheat. Avoid at dinner.

Beans, legumes and pulses Unless you're a vegetarian, avoid initially in Phase 1. Depending on how your body reacts, reintroduce one serve a day. Avoid at dinner.

Roots that need cooking These include potatoes, sweet potatoes and parsnips. Limit to one serve every day or two.

Dairy Avoid dairy entirely or reduce your intake to a serve every day or two. Good choices include natural Greek yoghurt and goatís milk cheeses.

Alcohol and caffeine Limit caffeine to two caffeinated drinks a day, always after food, and make alcohol an occasional treat, not a daily habit.

Foods to avoid

Sugar and refined carbohydrates Stay away from biscuits, cakes, milk chocolate, lollies, pastries, white bread, pasta, rice, sweeteners, ready-meals and takeaway food.

Processed fats Avoid vegetable and seed oils, poor-quality spreads (use butter or olive oil), cheap meat and eggs, and commercial mayonnaise and dressings.

Coping with sugar cravings

Have a healthy snack just before 4pm, when blood-sugar levels (and willpower) are lowest.
Increase the amount of healthy, quality proteins and fats in your diet.
Substitute sugar for xylitol in tea and coffee, but wean yourself off it over a few weeks.
Have sweet-tasting foods that donít upset blood sugar, such as unsweetened coconut, natural vanilla essence and unsweetened apple puree.
Use cinnamon liberally; it contains a bioflavonoid that mimics insulin, actively moving sugar into cells for energy and sensitising insulin receptors.

Dark chocolate has half as much sugar as milk chocolate. You can have 40g every few days.
If you are craving sugar, try stewed apples and plums with honey.
De-stress Meal ideas


One or two poached, boiled or scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, avocado and sourdough rye bread.
Baked beans (low sugar and low salt) with wilted spinach and grilled tomato.
Bircher Muesli Medley*: rolled oats, nuts and seeds soaked in water or yoghurt, mixed with apple and berries.

Spiced Chicken and Vegetable Soup*.
Roast beef slices with a salad of green leaves and herbs, avocado, roast zucchini, asparagus and a sprinkle of goatís cheese.
Roast chicken with garlic, onion, tomato, carrot and thyme. Quinoa optional.

Green Leafy Ginger and Cashew Stir-fry*.
Lentil dahl with broccoli.
Mixed green salad with grilled lamb, capsicum and sweet potato.

A piece of fruit.
Handful of nuts and seeds.
Hearty Smoothie*.